Thursday 8 September 2016

Hesperus Start of Term Minutes 2016

Hesperus Muster Minutes

Mr Cheney Welcomes all the boys back to the division.
New staff to the division this term; Mr Codling is Visiting Tutor on Tuesday evenings,
Mr Hobby is Visiting Tutor on Friday evenings and Mr Wynell-Mayow will be tutoring the 3rd form.

Mr Cheney’s Non-negotiables for the house are as follows:
·         Promptness for lessons, ensure Hesperiods leave the house 5 minutes early.
·         During prep silence is observed and pupils remain in their own cabins.
·         If in house during study time in the day pupils work in cabins quietly. No pupils to be in gun room playing pool, table tennis or watching TV.
·         No Sin Bins or Detentions as this effects our performance in the parade cup.

·         Uniform and dress, black socks, shoes polished, uniform clean, haircuts off the ears and collar and not excessively long on top.

·         Rooms; beds made, bins emptied and bedding changed at least once a week.

Goals for Hesperus this term
1.      Win Parade on the 18th – All pupils No1s to be brought into college for Monday to be given to Gail to be dry cleaned.
2.      Divisional Music all pupils must commit to rehearsals
3.      Div Rugby later this term
4.      Winning Headmasters cup.
5.      Mr Cheney has set a challenge for all pupils to aim for an effort grade of 3 in all of their subjects.

Upcoming Events:
The house trip next Wednesday is to Banbury for an afternoon of team building. Leave at 13:30 packed lunches provided and we will return around 18:30 and we will have a house BBQ.
Paint ball trip this Sunday please give your name to Mr Cheney if you want to go.

House initiatives
House 100% training lead by Tom Nash
Alternative Wednesday Pizza night boycotting Dominos
House garden and veg patch

Weekend Sunday family trips

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