- Well done to the rowers who competed at the Schools' Head of the River yesterday.
- I hope the students who took music exams yesterday were happy with their performance.
- Congratulations to the Rugby VIIs team who won the Pangbourne Sevens tournament last Thursday.
- Kenny Xu received a distinction in assembly yesterday.
- Congratulations to Olly Rogers who received a Silver D of E award and Stuart McLeish who received a Gold D of E award - brilliant achievement.
- The whole 4 Form received their Bronze D of E certificates in Muster.
The following boys received 10/10:
Christophe Dent, Finn Ellison, Luca van der Wyck, Cameron Pearson, Louis Winter, Kenny Xu, Ed Chapman, Ed Digby, Philip Garnier, Jake Lawrance, Jack James, Josh Orton, Tom Paine, Jamie Perring, Bertie Pugh, Nick Riley, Hugo Dwerryhouse, Jon Grieve, George Lacey, Matthew Montgomery, Alex O'Sullivan, Rory Pearson, Tom Perring, Ed Winter, Alex Carr, Olly Chapman, Charles Guest, Seb Guest, Will Read
Only 7 Merits for Hesperus last week so we need a big effort in the final two weeks of term. Well done to the following boys:
Sam Holloway - 2
Cameron Pearson - 1
Ed Chapman - 1
Jake Lawrance - 1
Nick Riley - 2
Student of the Week
This week House Scholar, Alex Carr, used the 6 Form Trial Exam results as his basis for awarding the Elvis Trophy. Stuart McLeish and Olly Chapman were the top performers but it was decided Olly Chapman should be Student of the Week.
- The timings for the PSHCE Drugs Talk are on the board - please be punctual.
- On Saturday supper will be a takeaway from 17.40 - 18.00 to fit in with half-time of the rugby.
We went through the minutes of the last meeting and gave some of the staff's responses. It is clear that the students now have a much stronger voice and some really good things are being done across the College as a consequence of student suggestions.
In Hesperus the upstairs shower room is already being improved.
High Standards
It has been an excellent term but we must ensure we maintain our highest standards of effort and behaviour during the last two weeks.
There have been one or two incidents of poor behaviour in lessons and this must stop immediately. Please ensure we finish the Lent Term in a really positive way.
Mr Paynter and I will be keeping a close eye on:
Punctuality, Tidiness, Organisation, Appearance, Effort and Behaviour
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